Friday, 8 April 2016

Omitting Narrative (Air Resistance)

Air Resistance

Experiment with paperclips and spinners to show how shape, size, and weight distribution can change the effects of wind resistance
Goal to keep the spinner in the air the longest (longest time from release to it touching the ground)
Rules all spinners will be released at the same height, they cannot exceed one A4 piece of paper, Must only use paperclips as extra weight. No throwing of spinners.
Competition as students cannot affect each other’s outcomes and thus can only improve their own mastery of their design.
Cooperation can be used if groups are used rather than individuals.
Explanatory Feedback to justify why some spinners succeed and others fail.
Points earned by the winning students or teams for their leaderboard.
Replayability is created by letting students have test flights of their spinners while creating them.
Scoring is done via times. The highest score wins.

Not all tasks need narrative, this lesson relies heavily on the game elements currently and this will keep students engaged with the subject materials. Because of this adding narrative could over complicate the lesson and result in students loosing interest. For this reason I will leave this lesson as it is and recompile it for the next set of posts. 

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